Less Obvious Stuff We Should Hate Donald Trump For

Sure, it’s easy to hate Trump for tear-gassing peaceful protestors, locking brown children in cages, attempting to shred the Constitution, or just being incredibly stupid and callous, but let’s expand our horizons a little. There are thousands of reasons to hate this guy. 1) He’s taken all of the fun out of Conspiracy Theories. I … Read more

Police Reform Ideas

Ok, we understand that we need to change this, but how? With the aid of hindsight, I can’t believe we didn’t see this one coming. Police brutality wasn’t invented a few years ago. Black American anger didn’t just begin to simmer a few weeks ago. This isn’t ALL a Covid thing, but that certainly hasn’t … Read more

A Good Place To Post a Comment

Ever since this website began, we felt a strong reluctance to open up posts to commenters. Let’s just say we’ve seen situations where commentability didn’t work out so well. While there are many people who post very thoughtful and intelligent comments, some websites seem to be magnets for commenters who have a loose association with … Read more

Do They Even See Us As Human?

One aspect of the response to the coronavirus that is increasingly obvious is that rich people don’t give a damn about poor people’s lives. I understand the desire to protect your portfolio, but is that really more important than human lives? Human lives? That’s what we’re talking about here. I get all of the counter-arguments … Read more

Coronavirus Spirituality

The coronavirus pandemic slams us in the face with spiritual shortcomings: Remember HIV? What was blamed? A monkey in Africa, despite the impossibility of one monkey bite causing an explosion of HIV in Haiti, New York, Miami and San Francisco. Now it’s bats. Suppose the virus was lab-created and it escaped from the lab. The … Read more

The Fear of the Fear is Getting Fearsome

Subtitle: Despite the fact that it might sound like I’m pooh-poohing the whole coronavirus hysteria, I really just wish to draw attention to our species’ fear of the unknown. They, the ubiquitous, hard to define and evil they, are always trying to scare us. Some of what they use is real. Other times they try … Read more

It’s Time To Start Boycotting Shell Gas Stations

Posting a nasty shout-out on Facebook will not stop Burger King from relocating to Ireland to avoid paying taxes. Putting an anti-Republican bumper sticker on your Saab will not in any way make Senator Ted Cruz change his position on women’s reproductive rights. Shaving “Down with Starbucks” into your head will not convince the commissioners … Read more

On the Dumbness of Fashion Trends

Even When Only Compared to Other Ridiculous American Trends, Modern Fashion Trends Are Really Dumb Fashion has always been kind of a silly idea: Victorian women’s’ corsets literally moving the internal organs of upper-class English ladies, college guys wearing beanie propeller hats in the 50’s, man-dresses representing the very height of masculinity in Samoa and … Read more

Abominations in the Halls of Academia

It’s not what you think. It’s not that poor, hapless students with few defense mechanisms are being offended by other students who talk about race issues, or want to talk at all. Something far worse is happening, something that will erode the heart of education. ONLINE CLASSROOMS. Yes, a great idea on some levels. You … Read more