It’s National. It’s Public.

Like the rest of the country over the age of thirty (except for the uber-right wingers), I listen to a lot of NPR. Not on purpose. It’s not like I mean to. It’s just a fall-back radio plan, a default. When there’s no particular music I want to hear, when I can’t find someone on … Read more

Are We In the Age of Propaganda-Based Medicine?

“Science Based Medicine” is pure propaganda. One of the topics I am parsing out about the covid narrative has to do with the propaganda machine. When you are manipulating group think, you design slogans and wording that locks in public opinion. Often the words used convey the direct opposite of what is going on. For … Read more

Scouting for Syphilis

I was a Boy Scout. I even stuck with it long enough to become an Eagle Scout, and despite the severe lack of girls around at the time, I’m glad I did. Don’t get me wrong, back when I was a Boy Scout I often wished that there had been a tent of high school … Read more

The New Vaccine Religion

First let me define religion. This is not to say that religion is always bogus or misleading. All the religions of the world contain, sometimes buried within them, deep and meaningful spiritual truths and lessons in morality that we humans desperately need. I’m writing about that part of religion that leads to fundamentalism, also found … Read more

Just Tell Me What The Guy Said Already!

I hate it when the news reports on something offensive that some famous guy said…and then doesn’t mention the offensive something. Don’t get me wrong, I love it as much as the next guy when, in an unscripted moment of rare celebrity honesty, Justin Bieber is caught on tape professing his hatred for Asian midgets, … Read more

Why Don’t They Tell You Any Of This Stuff Before It Happens?

or (alternative title) We’re All Aging, We’re Just Doing It Wrong Despite what The Disney Channel, “The National Enquirer” and your mother told you, aging isn’t everything. Reporters seem intent on mentioning their subjects’ ages, even when the article has nothing to do with age. We have these pre-set notions about what we’re supposed to … Read more

Do We Really Need To Be Stuck With Moral Relativism?

(For a more precise authorship description, substitute the following:by Bowen Craig, then Dr. Alice Rose, then back to Bowen) Should we look for morality in our leaders? It’s a fair question. Moral relativism is pretty common now. “It’s not personal, it’s just business,” is our favorite catch-phrase to justify stealing what little the poor have … Read more

Insurance/Organized Crime (more thoughts)

Is there really that much of a difference? Insurance began as a wonderful idea. A truly generous, magnanimous and world-changing concept. Someone once told me that the original idea for insurance came from a group of Chinese fishermen, who would each put aside one fish from their day’s haul to give to the fisherman who … Read more

Insurance/Organized Crime (some thoughts)

Is there really that much of a difference? Long ago the insurance company was your friend. I just love the ads today about what friends they continue to be. Oh yeah? Well no. They admit it’s very harmful for you to make a claim because your reputation with them will be permanently blackened. You are … Read more

Buy It, Buy It Now!

Buy it, even though we’re not going to tell you anything about it. Advertising doesn’t have to be as weird as it is. It could just be companies listing what products they sell. It once WAS just companies listing what products they sell. That ad strategy makes sense, is simple and tells people who want … Read more