Evicted from Heaven

Christian exclusivism states that “Christians are the only ones going to heaven. Everybody else is left behind.” Of course many other religions say the same thing, but let’s ponder the Christian exclusive club. So before Jesus came there was nobody in heaven except God and angels. When the first official Christian died, there was only … Read more

The Abundance of Idiots

My world is daily populated by Idiots. Perhaps you have met some of them. They are the people that wait until the cashier has tallied up the last item in their shopping cart before they start rummaging through their purse to look for their check book – on second thought, they are the people that … Read more

The Subject of Black

After the murder of George Floyd, have you noticed that it is now de rigueur to capitalize the word “black” (when referring to a race, as in the opposite of white, but not when referring to a color, as in the opposite of white)? They took a vote, and passed an Act to change the … Read more

Pardon Me, Ma’am

I’ll be brief (for once). Gender identity has become a huge issue in American society, a much bigger issue than it is in, say Haiti or Sudan or Iraq. As I understand it (although I don’t, and never will), a man that wants to be a woman is a trans-female. I think that I have … Read more

Why Do Cell Phone Companies Hate Us So Much?

What ever happened to the once-popular notion of the customer always being right? That shit went out the door around 2004, didn’t it? Think about some iconic store from some hazy year in the early-20th century. Sears. You bought one of them newfangled refrigimerators that magically keep your food cold at Sears on your last … Read more

IRL? Are You Freaking Kidding Me?

I read an article clearly written by a Millennial earlier today, which taught me a new internet acronym, IRL. The internet is as bad as the military in its overuse of acronyms, but unlike the military, apparently everyone under the age of thirty-five not only knows the meanings of these, but uses them online, and … Read more

Tubers of the World, Unite!!

I’m a tube sock guy. A proud tube sock guy. A relentless proponent of the tube sock. Maybe I’m just somewhat nostalgically stuck in the tube sock-laden era of my youth, the 1980’s, but I think my abiding love for the tube sock goes far beyond that. Tube socks are true, full and honest footunderwear … Read more

Trump Derangement Syndrome: Going Sane

This is a round table discussion by three friends who were accused of having Trump Derangement Syndrome. It’s defined as having an overly emotional reaction to Trump. The person having it is paranoid and fails to perceive reality. The implied solution – possibly hospitalization and certainly a round of psychotropic drugs, probably powerful antipsychotics (does … Read more