The New Vaccine Religion

First let me define religion. This is not to say that religion is always bogus or misleading. All the religions of the world contain, sometimes buried within them, deep and meaningful spiritual truths and lessons in morality that we humans desperately need. I’m writing about that part of religion that leads to fundamentalism, also found … Read more

We Never Talk About the Real Stuff, Part 1: Immigration

We’re going to look behind the political bullshit at the real underlying foundations, the real stuff. TV news anchors rant about immigration a lot. Politicians from both sides bemoaning too little or too much immigration in a predictable line-dance. Old dudes at the country club complain about it so often you’ve got to wonder if … Read more

Christian Fascism Has Taken Over Republicans

I have purposely been in a Republican intellectual group for 4 years. We have formed lasting friendships that I am grateful for and that I value as a great benefit to my life. They are physicians, scientists, and thinking people. The brain power is unmatched as well as “thinking outside the box”. However, our political … Read more

When Did We Start Caring What Teenagers Think?

Teenagers’ being stupid isn’t new. They’ve always been stupid. You were stupid too when you were sixteen. You might not admit it, and you definitely didn’t admit it back then, but you were. We all were. As far as I can see, the only real difference between now and then is that, for some reason … Read more

The Brink of Fascism – Another View

No, Alice, it’s Mainly “Disowning Projection” — the Dems ARE bringing us to the Brink of Fascism, because They’re Acting like the Fascists While I agree with Alice that Fascism is somewhat “on the rise,” I take issue with her take on where that Fascism is actually coming from. The reason the “news” calls Trump … Read more

The Brink of Fascism

The Dems are bringing us to the brink of Fascism by clinging to their candidate after the disastrous debate of July 27. Now they are making noises that this was just one bad day for Biden, but we have never had anything like this happen in a debate. An idiot can distinguish from “one bad … Read more

Secular Fundamentalism: Divide and Conquer

Secular fundamentalism is being pounded into American consciousness, and I believe it is from outside sources, experts on propaganda, like China or Russia. One characteristic of expert or elite propaganda is you do not know you are being subjected to it. The purpose is to divide this country into “armed camps” pitted against each other. … Read more

Grizzly (Mad)Man

I vaguely remember a movie from 20 or 30 years ago called “Grizzly Man,” wherein a deluded animal lover decided to ditch it all and go and live among the bears. I believe he moved to Alaska, but it could’ve been anywhere where bears roam free and humans rightly fear to tread. This depressed idiot, … Read more

Bad News, Good News

The Bad News is that 2/3 of Congress is Not on Our Side, the Good News is We’re still Technically Their Bosses I am so unbelievably disappointed in America right now. So very disappointed in the people who are supposedly looking out for our best interests. It is becoming clearer by the minute that around … Read more

On Skepticism

My upcoming book, Redeeming Christianity, (soon to be published by Bilbo Books) contains these quotes on skepticism by Paramahansa Yogananda. Useful principles for thinking… “There are two kinds of doubt: destructive and constructive. Destructive doubt is habitual skepticism. Men who cultivate that attitude disbelieve blindly; they shun the work of impartial investigation. Skepticism is a … Read more