The New and Improved Monkeypox

I can’t stop feeling like we have been down this road before. Doesn’t it sound familiar? Bottom line – we have a need for a new mRNA vaccine but with a twist. This new disease, unlike Covid, can readily be seen on the victim’s face. And as I write this more and more information is … Read more

Summary of Covid Vaccine Injury: Revealing Journal and Anecdotal Reports

The Intellectual Climate on the Dangers of the Vaccine Running rampant in public belief is that the Covid vaccines are perfectly safe, and of course, anyone refusing them is an idiot or an unscientific dolt, unpatriotic, selfish and not caring for their fellow man. These dolts insanely insist on their “rights” even if it harms … Read more

Are We In the Age of Propaganda-Based Medicine?

“Science Based Medicine” is pure propaganda. One of the topics I am parsing out about the covid narrative has to do with the propaganda machine. When you are manipulating group think, you design slogans and wording that locks in public opinion. Often the words used convey the direct opposite of what is going on. For … Read more

The New Vaccine Religion

First let me define religion. This is not to say that religion is always bogus or misleading. All the religions of the world contain, sometimes buried within them, deep and meaningful spiritual truths and lessons in morality that we humans desperately need. I’m writing about that part of religion that leads to fundamentalism, also found … Read more