This Ain’t Your Mother’s Liberalism

Liberal used to mean open-minded, interested in the welfare of everyone, eager to help the downtrodden, all that gooey good stuff. Liberalism used to mean hope, faith in a better tomorrow, and giving everyone a seat at the table. A few years ago the word liberal went bat-shit crazy and now liberals are actively touting … Read more

Scouting for Syphilis

I was a Boy Scout. I even stuck with it long enough to become an Eagle Scout, and despite the severe lack of girls around at the time, I’m glad I did. Don’t get me wrong, back when I was a Boy Scout I often wished that there had been a tent of high school … Read more

Do We Really Need To Be Stuck With Moral Relativism?

(For a more precise authorship description, substitute the following:by Bowen Craig, then Dr. Alice Rose, then back to Bowen) Should we look for morality in our leaders? It’s a fair question. Moral relativism is pretty common now. “It’s not personal, it’s just business,” is our favorite catch-phrase to justify stealing what little the poor have … Read more

Person Goose Must Renounce Her Uterus

Apparently the Annoyed, Angry and Pretend Progressive Crew has a new target in their ongoing quest to turn everyone off from the very idea they’re trying to promote. Not content to attempt to merely confuse us with plural pronouns or to get us all to renounce standard human ideas like gender (which is a lot … Read more

The Orthodoxy of Orthodoxy

Rigid thought patterns, unshakeable norms, traditions that shrug off any and all questions. Welcome to Orthodoxy Nation, folks. You’re in for an angry ride. ORTHODOXY – noun – authorized or generally accepted theory, doctrine, or practice. The definition of “Orthodoxy” doesn’t do justice to the reality of the modern world, where it dwells and reproduces … Read more