The Dems are bringing us to the brink of Fascism by clinging to their candidate after the disastrous debate of July 27. Now they are making noises that this was just one bad day for Biden, but we have never had anything like this happen in a debate. An idiot can distinguish from “one bad day” and a permanent condition.
FEAR: The factor that Dems do not grasp is that people are afraid. Inflation hits them hard. They cannot afford groceries. Gas prices are high. They are terrified of what is happening at the border. They fear that criminals and terrorists are flooding in. In many big cities, like San Francisco, the homeless are everywhere and some of them are belligerent. What they see with their own eyes makes them think the economy is failing. Worse, many suffer from existential fear with climate change.
WHO CAN FIX THIS? When people are afraid they want a Strong Man, a Big Daddy to save them. Unfortunately, this a Fascist term that describes Hitler. What did Biden give them? A weak man. A man who looks fragile. Worse, a man whose mind is weak and slipping – in other words, the worst thing that could happen has happened.
Trump is well aware of this fear and he plays to it by instilling more of it. He said “Real power is fear.” A tiny example? “Your kids are being groomed for sex change operations at age 6 — that’s what Dems want.” On and on.
We don’t want his Strong Man. He said, “I will be your last President. When I get in I will punish anyone who has spoken against me.” His attorney general reported that Trump considered assassinating his opponents, and now he can with immunity from criminal prosecution. “The Constitution is antiquated. It should be torn up and rewritten.” “I will take away the license of any broadcaster who has spoken against me.” “Those checks and balances held me back.” So we should change them?
That is a Fascist Strong Man and electing him will end our democracy.
But make no mistake — we still need a Strong Man — OUR OWN STRONG MAN who will say “I will take care of you.”
“I will attack inflation directly.”
“I will close the border.”
“I will send back all criminals coming in.”
“I will force the gas cartel to lower their prices.”
What would he look like? Young. Strong. Handsome with a cute family, an all-American-girl wife who loves her husband. We need normalcy, not weirdness.
It does not matter about all the good things Biden has done. The American people feel like they are in an ongoing permanent emergency. SO ADDRESS THAT. And for God’s sake, don’t even think of putting a woman in for cute irrelevant liberal causes. Kamala is not popular anyway and there is another fear that the old man will die in office and she will take over. image
People are sick to death of these two old men — one in diapers, the other falling asleep at the podium. A younger candidate would win with a landslide on his age and good looks alone.
DEMS, you have been handed an opportunity served up on a platter to put in a younger candidate. Seize the moment.