
Fascists dislike anything out of the ordinary and unconventional (Adorno, et al 1950). We got wind of this when “Christians” objected to the opening art performance of the Olympics where a blue figure appeared at a long table. The performers were odd and weird and there was public outrage that this scene was making fun of the Last Supper. My Republican friends expressed shock and outrage at the weirdness.

Here is a scene of SantaCon that shows weird, even horrific photos of people making fun of Santa. While this is distasteful to me, and downright ugly, I am concerned that this type of gross expression will not be allowed during the Trump regime. I am even more concerned that this weirdness is projected upon Libs while assuming that “innocent Republicans” would never participate in the weird and gross. No, Republicans are “true Christians”, with deeply rooted moral compasses within, due to steady church attendance and a good solid American upbringing, or so we are told.

In their weird way, these people at SantaCon are joking, spoofing. Just like Trump “jokes and spoofs” when he suggests firing squads and group executions televised so the now newly bloodthirsty public can enjoy a good slaughter and feel vindicated over all the traitors we have spawned among the Libs like Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff.

Unfortunately for me, that drums up an image that is far uglier than anything these people are portraying at SantaCon. And the fear it instills? No comparison.

I am opting for “moral” Republicans to stop promoting double standards — one set for Reppies and a different set for Libbies.

I am opting for them to recognize and acknowledge their own grossness.

The mystery to me is how Trump is applauded for saying these shocking fascist things and zero Republicans confront him. That means you condone and support this rhetoric. It may mean you are in favor of the firing squads. I can’t find the “moral high ground” here.

Maybe there isn’t one.