30 Things We See, Hear and Experience Every Single Day That Would Confuse the Living Shit Out of Our Grandparents

1) Hordes of zombie teenagers walking around, not talking to each other, staring into little blinking rectangles

2) A man claiming he was born the wrong gender, while not living in an insane asylum

3) Suburbanites walking around behind their dogs and collecting their poop in a bag

4) The news telling us to eat grasshoppers, tofu, kale chips, pretend cows, wheatgrass, free-range anything, avocado toast, avocado chips, avocado pancakes, or avocados

Even better than avocado toast — avocado BUN!

5) Artisan beer

6) Artisan coffee

7) Artisan water

8) Bottled water

9) Water that costs $5 a bottle

10) Water that costs literally any money whatsoever

11) Our cars telling US what to do

12) Our radios telling US what to do

13) Our televisions telling US what to do

14) A boy working at a restaurant melting down and claiming it’s a hate crime every time a customer calls him “sir”

15) Hate crimes in general

16) Defunding the police

17) The government spying on our every move

18) Local police allowing people to loot stores

19) A postmaster general who clearly hates the post office

20) People delivering any non-pizza food to your door

21) People protesting zoos

22) People protesting in favor of boys playing girls’ sports

23) People pretending to care about girls’ professional sports

24) The existence of girls’ sports

25) Ping-pong being considered a sport

26) Video games being considered a sport

The thrill of video game victory! The agony of video game keyboard on fire!

27) Video gamers being watched as they play video games by anyone other than little brothers

28) Video gamers watching other video gamers watching other video gamers

29) Video gamers making millions of dollars for playing video games

30) Honest homeless signage