Even the fear-mongering Powers That Be, the very folks who brought us The Pandemic in the first place, by now have to begrudgingly admit that their experiment in fear and control is, at long last, over. Done. Finito. Sure, they keep trying to get us to buy into the new notion their magical “vaccines” are now something you have to take every few months or so, but even the die-hard whatever-you-say-I’ll-believe-you-dear-news-deity-totally-100%-bought-into-the-official-story-crowd has all but given up their desire to see everyone don cloth masks for the remainder of human history. They tried. Dear Lord, they tried. But ultimately they failed…thanks be to rednecks.
Unfortunately, there is a decently-sized subset of America that seems like it’s never going to recognize that the pandemic is, in fact, over. They’re still wearing their silly little masks. They’re still feeling wildly superior to the unvaccinated, and they still can’t seem to connect the dots between this “vaccine” and their newfound Myocarditus. These folks tend to be members of the Democratic Party, recently voted the least fun party since America stopped doing church lock-ins.

It was the American Redneck, that much maligned creature of televised ridicule, who saw through all of it from the beginning. Those of us who naturally distrust the government were really the only other group who realized that the whole “pandemic,” while loosely-based on an actual novel new virus, was the most bizarrely over-hyped scare since suburban mothers stopped warning us that shady groups of devil-worshippers were sacrificing cats in local suburban graveyards.
Those who, despite all evidence to the contrary, believe what the news is telling them over what they see with their own eyes every day, are apparently, going to hold onto their fear and condescension until Middle America admits the fearful were correct all along…which, of course, is never going to happen. I hope the virtue-signalers like breathing stale oxygen and angrily booster-poisoning their own children every few months, because that’s what they seem determined to do. EVEN THOUGH THE DAMN THING’S CLEARLY OVER.
Sure, even I, a skeptic of the highest order (level 12, if you’re counting), will admit that there actually is a novel coronavirus. It was, of course, created in a lab. It’s really only harmful to three groups of people: really old people, people with really bad lung disease, and the morbidly obese. That’s why America got it so bad. We’re just a heinously fat people. It’s kind of our thing. The “pandemic” was, of course, a power play, with a side order of greed. I don’t know for sure that it was leaked from the lab on purpose or not. I certainly suspect that it was, but it’s not going to be easy to prove that one. I tend to believe the gain-of-function theory the most (That Obama put a stop to American gain-of-function research, where they create the new disease, supposedly in order to find the cure, as insane as that idea is. Then Fauci and friends, neither wanting to slow down the money train [Choo-Choo-You-Dumb-Asses-Will-Believe-Anything-We-Say-Choo-Choo!], nor give up on their loose plan for world domination, shipped the whole operation over to China, a fairly black-boxed country as it is. I can’t prove this is what happened, but it sure looks that way.)

Even most of the official sources have now admitted that corona is probably not going to kill you anymore. They have yet to acknowledge that their “cure” is much more dangerous than the disease (and likely never will, if only for fear of lawsuits), but they’ve realized how hollow it’s all ringing now, so they’re slowly backing off. And yet, still, a third of the country is wearing the masks…even when they’re alone…even when they’re walking outside alone…but do they wear them when no one is looking? Crazy pants, insanity walking amok, in such a calm way.
The brilliance of this evil plot is beyond question. I have never seen a more thoroughly-planned hoax in my lifetime. Hell, there’s never been a more thoroughly planned hoax in anyone’s lifetime. It was so well-plotted and almost so well-executed that, even though it’s over, about a third of the country refuses to let it go. That’s where we are now.
Here’s the loose outline of their plan. First, lay some groundwork for a new disease a few years before launching it. Have “experts” talk about how Global Warming will likely unearth some long-frozen viruses, buried for millennia under the ice. Then let that sit for a while. Then, when it looks like populist leaders (Bolsanaro, Trump, Boris Johnson, etc.) may take over a lot of countries, and therefore, perhaps dismantle the behind-the-scenes power structures, because people don’t actually want that non-elected nonsense anyway, leak a new, created, virus from a lab in one of the shadiest and most secretive places on earth, China, preventing too much in the way of questioning, since most countries already rightfully distrust the Chinese government, and authoritarian countries rarely do the whole full-disclosure thing.
Then, broadcast the fear EVERYWHERE. Then, sit back and wait a while, as it spreads across the planet. Knowing that preventing travel is an impossibility in this era, this disease, which is real, but not as serious as advertised, will do what viruses do, spread, infect and then spread some more. Knowing, furthermore, that America is a terribly unhealthy place, full of fat-ass lazy people with weakened immune systems, thanks to the combined effects of over-prescribed antibiotics and Taco Bell have had on our collective colons, the Powers That Be are fully aware that America, with our raging fear, our out-of-control “news” propaganda networks, which already try to scare us at every turn, will do what they always do, and with relish, since this one’s at least a new scary story, and since this virus does actually hurt members of the three aforementioned groups, and we’re getting older and fatter every day (We’re Number One, bitches!). So, even though a safer way to avoid corona is to work your body into passably-decent physical shape, drop twenty pounds, and occasionally slip a vegetable or two between the layers of the Big Mac, the Powers That Be knew that was never going to happen, at least not in America.
When they realized the phrase “novel coronavirus” was about as scary as “silent dust bunny” they made up a new name for it, COVID-19, which is just way scarier-sounding. That helped. Rebranding is a popular corporate activity for avoiding lawsuits and pretending to change while not actually changing one iota, plus doctors make up new names that don’t make sense to non-doctors all the time anyway.
Nudging even more fear into the equation, the Powers That Be recommended wearing cloth masks, locking yourself inside your own house for a few months, staying six feet away from everyone else, and patiently waiting for the “cure” to arrive.

Then they waited and let the fear do what fear does, grow, spread, and metastasize (much like what they claimed the virus would do to everyone, when, in fact, it really only did so to the poorly-lunged, the very aged and the truly fat). And grow, spread, and metastasize the fear did. Sprinkle in the fact that hospitals will be overwhelmed, which was true, thanks to the fatties and the hypochondriacs. Then layer some propaganda on top of the reality. Share some doctored photos of mass graves. Spread a few horror stories, some real, some less than real. Sit back and wait.
Allow for America’s rigid political divide to separate us further. Let the rubes argue over the best treatment. Ridicule anyone who disagrees with the official story. Pressure private companies to mandate the “cure,” when it arrives. Shun any medical practitioners who actually look into the facts, who argue that natural immunity is better than any vaccine ever, get them fired and then ridicule them some more.
Take note of the fact that, while half the country thinks Donald Trump is the best president since John F. Kennedy, the other half thinks he’s a straight-up evil conman. The Trump-haters will do anything if they think they’re, somehow, getting under his thin, elastic, angry, orange-toned skin. Even a number of the Trump-lovers will be too scared of the virus not to bow down and do as they’re told.
Bear in mind that there are a few actual, pre-existing cures, real cures, for the corona. Hydroxychloroquine works for the young. Ivermectin works for the old. Mexico, Japan, and parts of India used them, and if you need proof about the “vaccine” look at their death rates compared with ours. Even when you factor in America’s overarching, overhanging girth problem, the numbers are out-of-control. When anyone, including a doctor, brings up these pre-existing medicines as possibilities to solve the problem, ridicule them, shun them, and get them fired. Remind people that Ivermectin is also used to de-worm horses. Even though it does actually work on corona, don’t let on that other countries have figured this out. We’re too insular to notice anything outside of our own borders anyway. If Trump says anything about either of the real cures, line a serious-looking grandfatherly-seeming intellectual up next to him to refute everything he says. Half the country will do whatever the non-Trump says (even if this particular non-Trump presided over another, much smaller, much more targeted, genocide against gay dudes in the 1980’s), because they really hate Trump. Plenty of the half that likes him will comply, too, because fear is powerful stuff.
Then wait and let people’s worries grow and grow. Keep them indoors, so that, due to a lack of fresh air and sunshine, they’re even less healthy than they were. Let that fear grow, baby!

Then, BAM, drop multiple “cures,” with confusing information, highly-suspicious medical benefits and new methodologies for virus-killing. Never mention the fact that the side effects from this “cure” are far worse than the disease itself. Ignore the fact that these “cures” will never have full FDA approval. When others, even doctors, point this out, call them fringe, ridicule them, and, if possible, get them fired and banned for life from their chosen profession. Anyone who questions the spike proteins, the mRNA and the multitude of new diseases stemming, obviously, from the “cure” is a stupid, dangerous, country, right-wing lunatic who should be locked up, or at the very least, shunned.

Then sit back, grab some popcorn, and enjoy the show. America will spend so much time arguing with itself, and bouncing information off its polar news outlets that very few Americans will even notice that entire other countries have solved the problem with the very (real) cures that our medical overlords have promised us repeatedly are quack-medicine. Those who do can be dealt with through more shunning and disinformation. Hire a few Hollywood actors to stir the pot. Those guys will just say what you tell them to, and they always take the political bait. Let Trump and the other populists rage all they want. They’re only going to look foolish lined up next to reasonable-sounding, calm fear-mongers like Fauci and Friends.
Know that you will accomplish so many long-term goals with this campaign. Plenty of stubborn, uncontrollable, self-reliant members of the Greatest Generation will actually die, some from corona, some from fear, and others from the simple ravages of time. Hold tightly to your heart the fact that everyone under the age of 40 now carries around cell phones, so they can be scared all day, every day, not just at six and eleven P.M. like the “news” used to be. Realize that plenty of people already regularly watch the “news,” and are, therefore, already terrified of something not quite clear, something not exactly visible.
And that’s how you blow a virus out of proportion and shake the entire world.
Even so, it’s time to let it all go. Hey, virtue-signalers, it’s time for you to find a new way to feel superior to rednecks. There are plenty of other options, and these just might not have such severe side effects. Recycling rarely leads to extra toes growing out of your lower back. Driving an electric car will probably not lead to leprosy. Shouting your preferred pronouns at the clergy has never resulted in anyone’s nose falling off and into their French Onion soup. Just let your cultivated sense of moral superiority switch back to whatever form it took in 2019. And hey, government, let it go. You accomplished a lot of your evil goals, but you can only fake-scare people for so long before common sense and the desire to see real-sunlight and hug other actual-people returns. Rednecks, be happy that you were right from the jump, but be gracious winners.
Now let’s all agree to do two things: fix the massive fallout from this scam and remember the con-job for what it was. They’re going to try it again, you know.