I can’t stop feeling like we have been down this road before. Doesn’t it sound familiar? Bottom line – we have a need for a new mRNA vaccine but with a twist. This new disease, unlike Covid, can readily be seen on the victim’s face. And as I write this more and more information is coming out that will have everyone lining up to get the monkeypox vaccine, even people who are hesitant to get the Covid vaccine.
I am connecting dots about what I see online concerning this disease which I am calling the New and Improved Monkeypox to distinguish it from the old Monkeypox, well known in Africa.
DOT 1 starts back in time when Covid first appeared. I think a mechanism similar to how Covid was designed is being used with this potential pandemic. Here’s how:
Covid is deeply connected to malaria. This is finally being openly admitted. The following medical journal article notes that countries that use hydroxychloroquine to cure malaria and as a prophylaxis for malaria had far fewer Covid-19 cases than the rest of the world.
How Genetics Might Explain the Unusual Link Between Malaria and COVID-19
Why do I say finally? When our internet research team of 5 PhDs and 4 MDs and an actuary first started in 2020, a doctor sent us the following theory connecting Covid with a souped up malaria. Malaria destroys the heme in the red blood cell, as does Covid-19, destroying body wide transport of oxygen. The patient can’t breathe, not because his lungs are destroyed but because his entire body lacks oxygen.
It took us months to guess that hydroxychloroquine had to be given within 48 hours of first getting Covid, before Covid can do its sometimes irreparable damage. If you wait, it can turn into a killing machine.
DOT 2. Malaria is never airborne, not the old malaria. It was always vector-borne (mosquitoes). BUT this new malaria (Covid-19) is airborne. You will have to accept the gain of function hypothesis – that this was lab created and it escaped. Stop listening to the disclaimers. There is too much out there about this research. Do your own digging.
Essentially malaria was “spliced” with Covid which is in the family of diseases associated with the common cold. Thus it was turned from a vector-borne to an airborne disease.
DOT 3. Monkeypox has never been airborne. The old monkeypox was spread by close contact where fluids are exchanged, or by out and out sexual behavior. OK – that’s easy. No real threat. All we have to do is stop having orgies, or at least stop promiscuous sex and stick to one clean partner.
No lockdowns, no terror. Certainly no vaccines. We’ll be OK. In this AP News article it’s attributed to a rave assuming it was the sex that spread it. That was the old monkeypox:
Expert: Monkeypox likely spread by sex at 2 raves in Europe
This research article contains world wide data showing how rarely old monkeypox spreads:
The changing epidemiology of human monkeypox—A potential threat? A systematic review
Scroll to Figure 5 to see the world wide picture. In the decade 2000 to 2009 all cases were in Africa except 47 in the US due to rats, not sex. Better yet, scroll to Figure 6 and see that in 2010 to 2019 ALL cases were confined to Africa. Raves were happening in “rich” countries but no monkeypox. Hmmmmmm.
The CDC website contains the new world wide data documenting the recent spread. It looks like it is spreading everywhere:
2022 Monkeypox Outbreak Global Map
The graph below shows ever more alarming news as to its puzzling spread.

DOT 4. Suddenly “because of a gay rave in Spain,” it is popping up all over. That makes no sense unless it is suddenly changing. It is NOT the old sexually transmitted monkeypox.
Why? Because raves have been happening for decades. Raves happened from 2010 to 2019 and there was no spread in countries outside of Africa. Was there more sex in this recent rave? More rats? More sex trips to Africa? Give me a break.
This publication says it is a strange form of monkeypox and that it’s suspected of being airborne. It also indicates that the CDC recommends wearing an N95 mask as a precautionary measure:
A Novel International Monkeypox Outbreak
DOT 5. Let’s not be naive. The “follow the science” types are saying, “Oh, it’s regular evolution at work here. All things evolve and change…Nature will be nature.”
This article says it now has 50 mutations to become more transmittable. Mutations in nature are usually 1 to 2 per year:
Virus causing monkeypox outbreak has mutated to spread easier
Why didn’t it become so easily spreadable long ago and evolve into airborne back then? How come this special timing?
Dot 6. Here’s the hypothesis: The vaccine moguls have continued gain of function research. What – do you really think they found Jesus and changed their ways? Not very likely. More like they conferred with the devil (ha ha) who just loves people eaten up with malignant greed…especially people who don’t care how many people they hurt on the way to the bank.
The vaccine moguls expected everyone on the planet to get vaccinated. What a surprise that there was hesitation. You couldn’t really see Covid on your neighbor’s face, so while it was frightening it wasn’t immediately horrifying.
Now we will feel like we are living with the black plague. What a horrifying vision to see your neighbors contaminated. Blindness and death are now associated with the New Monkeypox. Now we will get world wide compliance. The old smallpox vaccine would have worked. But no. It has to be the new mRNA vaccine.
Why? Never enough money when you are filthy rich.
Sure enough, vaccines are being rolled out. When we already have a safe drug for it? Why is that? Will all diseases be treated with mRNA vaccines from now on?
U.S. Begins Targeted Vaccine Rollout Against Monkeypox
If you think this entire rant is conspiracy theory, then there might be one piece of logic you can get on board with. We have a perfectly safe and tested drug for monkeypox. Why aren’t we using that? Why do we need yet another vaccine? You already know that answer – the old vaccine is way too cheap.
But there is one more consideration. Are we being prepped for constant continual vaccines? Every time a “new and improved” disease shows up, the go-to solution is yet another mRNA vaccine…followed by boosters every 6 months.
How many new alarming airborne diseases will there be in the future? The creative possibilities are endless. Will you obediently get vaxxed monthly? That would only be 6 new diseases, each more terrifying than the last, each requiring boosters every 6 months.
IS THERE A SOLUTION FOR THIS ONE? Tecovirimat (ST-246) or Tpoxx.
We might just see a rash of articles showing that the old drug doesn’t work – “gold standard” studies where it is given to dying patients in too large a dose and they die quicker. This is what happened with hydroxychloroquine for Covid-19.
Then we will have studies that declare this drug dangerous when it is non-toxic – which also happened with the Covid-19 drugs that were effective early in the pandemic.
I hypothesize that Tecovirimat will have to be taken 24-48 hours after first symptoms of monkeypox. If you wait too long it will not be effective. This is also what happened with the drugs used to cure Covid-19.
Let’s hope this is a solution. And let’s hope that everything I am hypothesizing is wrong.